The on-going stalemate related to Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR) shows no signs of attainment a resolution anytime soon with the Sword of Damocles in the form of World Rugby (WR) dangling over the former learns.
This in lieu of the temporary injunction obtained by seven suspended Provincial Unions from the Court of Appeal against the Director General of the Sports Ministry from amending the SLR constitution without proper discussion with them.
The Provincial Unions have contended that the sole task trusted to the Sports Ministry DG by the Sports Minister had been to supervise the staging of the new Annual General Meeting (AGM) and that he has no authority to familiarize new amendments to the SLR constitution.
The SLR presently stands dissolved with the DG being its Competent Authority after the subject Minister on hold it on 29 May for failing to hold its AGM before the annual deadline of 31 May.
The case filed by the Provincial Union was taken up for deliberation last Wednesday (24) at the Appellate Court and the latter had deferred further hearing of it for next week with WR closely watching the unfolding events like a hawk.
This in view of the sport’s world ruling body having delivered an ultimatum to SLR to amend its constitution to grant voting powers to A Division clubs, as opposed to inactive ghost clubs which have sprung up like mushrooms but with power to control proceedings at the SLR Council.
A noted rugby analyst speaking on condition of inconspicuousness told this paper that if things does not get resolved before end July, SLR will probably run afoul of WR and be inviting a lengthy suspension of its membership, which will have debilitating consequences for both players and the game in this country.
Efforts made to contact the DG of the Sports Ministry failed as he did not respond.