Vidyartha College reimbursed to its winning ways when they beat

Newcomers, Thurstan College by 52/20 in their Schools Under-19 Rugby

League encounter which determined at the Nittawela Rugby Stadium last


Vidyartha 52 points: Thurstan 20 points

At the short breather winners led 21/20.

Lads from Kandy ran riot at Nittawela adding 31 points in the later

half plus securing a bonus point. Though Vidyartha won they are out of

Contention for the Super Round.

Referee: Praneeth Weranga

Rajans survive Science test

Dharmaraja 15 points; Science 10 points

Dharmaraja College beat Science College by 15/10  in their Inter

School Under-19 rugby encounter which concluded at the Bogambara

Stadium yesterday.

At the short breather scores were 5/5. Though losing out Science

College received a losing bonus point which will be vital for the Super

Round selections later on.

Referee: Raveen Alexander

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