The Sri Lanka Tennis Association (SLTA) has declared its event lineup, hosting three back-to-back Uniqlo International Wheelchair Tennis Tournaments (ITF Futures Series) alongside a World Cup Qualification for the Asia Region.

Tournaments are as follows:

Negombo Open (11-14 Feb.) – Negombo Tennis Club

Colombo Open (16-19 Feb.) – Negombo Tennis Club

SL Open (21-24 Feb.) – SLTA Colombo 7

2025 BNP Paribas World Team Cup Asian Qualifier Wheelchair Tournament (26 Feb. to 2 Mar.) – SLTA

The three approaching tournaments in Sri Lanka are set to attract top-ranking wheelchair tennis players from around the world, with participants from South Korea, Japan, Kazakhstan, France, Australia, and India already confirmed and with some of them in the country, while others are expected to arrive soon. 

This international attendance (16 men and eight women) will not only raise the level of competition but also shine a spotlight on Sri Lanka as a key destination for wheelchair tennis.

This series is being hosted in Sri Lanka for the 17th successive year, with special significance as the Negombo and Colombo Open Tournaments take place at the Negombo Tennis Club for the 13th year in a row.

This event will bring together top wheelchair tennis players from across Asia, as they contest for a spot in the World Team Cup.

This event is anticipated to draw a diverse group of athletes, coaches, and spectators, highlighting the growing popularity of wheelchair tennis in the region and the country’s commitment to fostering inclusivity in sports and will feature top-tier players from across the globe. With these tournaments, the Sri Lanka Tennis Association aims to deliver a competitive platform for athletes while further solidifying Sri Lanka’s position as a key hub for wheelchair tennis development. This series also

ප්‍රතිචාරයක් ලබාදෙන්න

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