The Sri Lanka Junior Squash Team will going to Hong Kong to take part in the 22nd Asian Junior Squash Team Championships.  

The tournament lead by the Asian Squash Federation and organised by the Squash Association of Hong Kong, China, is scheduled to be held from February 12 to 16 at the Hong Kong Squash Centre.  

Fifteen countries/regions will take part, including the host Hong Kong China, Sri Lanka, People’s Republic of China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Macau China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Qatar, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, and Thailand.  

The Sri Lanka Boys’ Team will take on top seed Republic of Korea and Kuwait in the first group stage while the Sri Lanka Girls’ Team will have to battle out with top seed Hong Kong China, Chinese Taipei, Singapore and the Republic of Korea in the initial group stage.  

The Sri Lanka Boys’ Team will be signified by Tharul Pinwatta from Royal College, Vishan Ranatunga (Gateway College), Mohomad Rilwan (St. Joseph’s College) and the Team will be captained by junior national champion Matheesha Wijesekara from Royal College.  

Wijesekara is presently ranked No. 23 in Asia in the U-17 category and won a bronze medal at Doha Junior Open Asian Junior Super Series in 2023.  

The Sri Lanka Girls team will be signified by Adhithi Gunasekera and Nethmi Wickramasinghe from Ladies’ College, Ifra Booso (St. Paul’s, Milagiriya) and the Team will be captained by Ranliya Wood, a former student of Lindsay Balika Vidyalaya.  

Gunasekera is the present junior national champion and was placed ninth at the Asian Junior Individual Championship in 2024 in the Under-17 age group.  

Sathar Deen, a seasoned World Squash Federation Level 2 attributed coach will officiate as the National Coach.  

Dr. Sumedha Jayaweera, Principal of Sirimavo Balika Vidyalaya and President of Sri Lanka Schools Squash Association, will officiate as Lady Chaperone of the team.  

Eranga Alwis, a former junior national champion and national player, will officiate as the Team Manager.  

The Sri Lanka Junior Squash Team arose seventh in both Girls’ and Boys’ categories at the Asian Junior Squash Team Championship held in 2023. Sri Lanka also did well to become fifth in the Girls’ category and sixth in the Boys’ category at the Asian Junior Squash Team Championship held in 2019 narrowly missing a medal. 

ප්‍රතිචාරයක් ලබාදෙන්න

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