Sri Lanka Badminton (SLB) led a fruitful Level I Coaching Course at the District Sports Complex in Omanthai, Vavuniya. 

Piloted by the leadership of Rohan de Silva, the SLB President, the Level I Coaching Course was directed by Buddhika de Silva, the Chairperson of the Coaching and Development Committee of SLB, where nearly 25 coaches took part. 

The course providing the much-needed insights and technical knowledge for the aspiring badminton coaches, who received the basics of the trade from the SLB experts. 

This course was directed by SLB and its Coaching and Development Committee with the sole purpose of adhering professionalism into badminton coaching, and to uplift the skill-levels and technical knowledge of the coaches. 

Over and done with the Level I Course, SLB intends to produce international level coaches who could guide aspiring badminton players to global standards. 

ප්‍රතිචාරයක් ලබාදෙන්න

ඔබගේ ඊමේල් ලිපිනය ප්‍රසිද්ධ කරන්නේ නැත. අත්‍යාවශ්‍යයය ක්ෂේත්‍ර සලකුණු කොට ඇත *
