The RACA Circuit Racing Championship 2025 together organised by the Royal Automobile Club Asia and the Sri Lanka Motorcycle Riders Association (SLMRA), is set to be detained at the Katukurunda Air Force Base on 29 and 30 March.

According to the organisers over 250 competitors are estimated to contest the racing championship this year, with specialties being the first event of the championship, special 5000 tickets to watch the race from your vehicle at the selected area and more entertainment and food stalls.

The organisers have declared that they have formulated plans for three events for this year, with the first one being the event at Katukurunda, the second being scheduled for July and the third and final meet two months later.

The organisers also have released the championship for cars and bikes alike; while there will also be a volunteer programme for those with experience to be a marshal at the race.

ප්‍රතිචාරයක් ලබාදෙන්න

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