Tickets for the ODI series are now sold online and over the counters.
The public can purchase tickets by visiting
The counters will be kept open as per below until the completion of the ODI series from 9 am
to 5 pm.
 Vidya Mawatha, Colombo
 RPICS, Colombo (Only on Match Days)
Ticket Prices:

Stand                                                                    Per Match Rate ( LKR)

Block ‘C’ and ‘D’ Lower                                                   500

Block ‘C’ and ‘D’ Upper                                                  2,000

Block ‘B’ Lower Level                                                      3,000

Block ‘B Upper Level                                                       4,000

Block ‘A’ Lower Level                                                     3,000

Block ‘A’ Upper Level                                                     4,000

Grand Stand – Top Level                                               7,500

Block ‘A’ Upper Level                                                     240,000

( Corporate Boxes consisting of 16 seats)

ප්‍රතිචාරයක් ලබාදෙන්න

ඔබගේ ඊමේල් ලිපිනය ප්‍රසිද්ධ කරන්නේ නැත. අත්‍යාවශ්‍යයය ක්ෂේත්‍ර සලකුණු කොට ඇත *
