Army SC gained the Defence Services Golf Tournament which took place at the Nuwara Eliya Golf Club (NEGC) recently.

This was the sixth edition of the tournament, with the Air Force entering as the defending champions. All three forces outfits, Army SC, Air Force SC and Navy SC teed off in this tournament.
Army SC protected the championship with 341 points though Air Force SC and Navy SC scored 315 and 305 points respectively.

Chairman of Army Golf, Major General Lanka Amarapala led the team from the front, providing vital leadership while also ensuring the event was organised on a grand scale.
The NEGC extended the courtesy of its course for the Tri-Services Tournament. This was a milestone victory for Army SC, and they will hold the championship title for the next two years. 

ප්‍රතිචාරයක් ලබාදෙන්න

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