Carey College made history by initial champions at the 2024 Schoolboy Boxing Championship held at the Royal MAS Arena. The tournament was led by the Boxing Association of Sri Lanka in collaboration with the Schools Boxing Association.

Entering a team of seven boxers, Carey secured six medals, including two gold, one silver, and three bronze.

The gold medallists were Manuka Liyanage (33-35kg) and Rithija Perera (58-61kg), while Senuth Dinsara (40-43kg) sealed a silver medal. Toshith Ekanayaka (49-52kg), Dinuth Gunathilaka (55-58kg), and Mohomed Areeb (61-64kg) claimed bronze medals.

This win marks a historic milestone, as Carey College is winning a team trophy after several decades. Though, the school boasts a proud boxing heritage, having produced numerous national and international boxing greats, including Don Leslie, W.R.M. Vincent, Laxman Mapatuna, and Kevin de Rose.

The team’s achievement is largely credited to head Coach Rajitha Liyanage, a distinguished old boy and a 2-star international coach, who has been committed to developing quality boxers over the past several years. Notably, his son, Manuka Liyanage, was one of the gold medallists in this championship. He was assisted by a Sri Lanka boxing stalwart Anil Jayalath, who joined Carey’s coaching staff less than a year ago. A former Royal College boxing captain, Jayalath won numerous accolades for the Police and represented Sri Lanka at the 1982 Asian Games in Delhi. He also previously coached Royal College for an extended period.

Much of Carey College’s accomplishment in boxing is also accredited to the unwavering support of Principal Rev. Heshan de Silva, Deputy Principal Leonard Thangarajah, Prefect of Games Nadeeka Jayamanna, Boxing Teacher-in-charge Sasikala Kingsly, parents, old boys, and well-wishers. Their dedication has played a crucial role in revitalising the school’s boxing program.
Succeeding this historic triumph, Carey College aims to build on this success and achieve even greater milestones in the boxing ring in the future.

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