Harshana Chamod and Jithma Wijethunga, both from Lyceum, Wattala, gained the Boys’ and Girls’ Best Athletes Awards, respectively, at the 23rd International Schools Athletics Championship (ISAC), which decided at the Sugathadasa Stadium in Colombo yesterday.

Harshana won the Under-18 Boys’ 110m hurdles event with a time of 14.51s, while Jithma earned the Under-20 Girls’ 200m event with a time of 24.26s.

In addition, Jithma was also awarded the Best Performance at ISAC 2025.

In the meantime, the defending champion Lyceum Wattala retained the Overall Championship with a score of 834 points while setting 32 new meet records.

This is also the 16th time that Lyceum Wattala has victory the Overall Championship.

Gateway College Colombo arose as the Overall Runners-up with a score of 741 points.

The third place in the tournament went to Lyceum Panadura with a total of 420 points.

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