Dialog Axiata PLC recently held the Dialog Schools Rugby Awards 2024 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH), honouring the champions from Division 1, Division 2, and Division 3 schools, and supporting its commitment to the development of rugby across Sri Lanka, powering the champions of tomorrow.

The occasion saw over 90 schools participating in the Dialog Schools Rugby League, making a vibrant tapestry of enthusiasm and skill for this beloved sport. 

The awards ceremony presented the exceptional achievements of schools and their outstanding athletes.

Awarded schools as follows:

Div. 1 Segment A: St. Peter’s College Colombo claimed the championship title, with Isipathana College as runner-up 

Div. 1 Segment B: Mahanama College and Ananda College celebrated their championship victories 

Div. 1 Segment C: Lalith Athulathmudali College and Nugawela Central College were crowned champions 

Div. 2 Segment A: Thalduwa Buddhist College and Maharagama Central College were recognised as champions 

Div. 3 Groups 1 to 7: Madeena College, Orubendiwewa Vidyalaya, St. Servatius’ College Matara, St. Thomas’ College Bandarawela, Badulla Central College, Girandurukotte National School, and Dudley Senanayake Vidyalaya Colombo were honoured as champions of their respective groups

ප්‍රතිචාරයක් ලබාදෙන්න

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