The award ceremony for the winners of the 12th Air Commander’s Cup Golf Tournament organized by the Sri Lanka Air Force and Eagles Golf Links was held at the Eagles Golf Links in Chinnawaraya under the patronage of the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Retired Air Vice Marshal Sampath Thuiyakontha, and with the participation of the Commander of the Air Force, Air Marshal Udeni Rajapaksa.

The sportsmen and women competed for the Air Force Commander’s Cup and the tri-services sportsmen and women competed for the Eagles Challenge Cup. Over 120 local and international golfers participated in the tournament.

The men’s championship of the Air Force Commander’s Cup Golf Tournament was won by retired Wing Commander Lakmal Gunawardena, while the women’s championship was won by veteran Dunuwila. The Eagles Challenge Cup was won by Group Captain Krishantha Fernando of the Sri Lanka Air Force, while the women’s championship was won by Wing Commander Lakshmi Kotuwegedara.

Dialog Enterprises was the main sponsor of the Air Commander’s Cup Golf Tournament this year as well.

ප්‍රතිචාරයක් ලබාදෙන්න

ඔබගේ ඊමේල් ලිපිනය ප්‍රසිද්ධ කරන්නේ නැත. අත්‍යාවශ්‍යයය ක්ෂේත්‍ර සලකුණු කොට ඇත *
